On The Blog

Thoughts From a Therapist on Anxiety, Trauma, & Relationships

HOW-TO, ANXIETY Rachel Duvall HOW-TO, ANXIETY Rachel Duvall

What if I Can’t Feel My Feelings: Tools For Nervous System Regulation

You may have heard you need to “feel your feelings” in order to overcome anxiety or depression or to process trauma. But what if your feelings feel too overwhelming? For many people the idea of feeling their emotions is terrifying. Perhaps you’re flooded with too many emotions at once and the sensations become too much to manage. If you’re feeling this way, it makes sense that you’d want to avoid tuning in to your body and emotions. It is your body’s way of protecting you.

So how do we get into this state? How do we get ourselves to a point where we feel just enough, but not too much. If you find yourself either too overwhelmed or feeling numb and disconnected, here are some tips to help you find more balance and connect with your emotions more clearly.

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How to Practice Mindfulness When You Can’t Sit Still

You have probably heard that mindfulness is good for anxiety. You may have even tried to start a daily mediation practice. If you found it challenging to stick with, you are not alone. Many of my clients report having difficulty with meditation and come away with the conclusion that it doesn’t work for them. They might find that their mind is racing with thoughts, they focus on their breath and it becomes more tense, or they simply can’t keep their body still for any stretch of time. This is a common experience. If you’ve experienced trauma in your life, sitting still with your own thoughts and sensations may feel incredibly uncomfortable or even unsafe. So how do you get the benefits of mindfulness without sitting still?

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